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Researches of Pueraria Mirifica

Our researcher has started research on Pueraria Mirifica since 1991 and then later on Butea Superba. Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) is Thailand™ endemic species found mainly in the northern and western part of Thailand and has local name as “White Kwao Krua”. The Thai vine herbal plant is grown in association with the moderate-size trees ranking from timber wood to bamboo in the deciduous rain forest.

Pueraria Mirifica Study

The enlargement underground tuber accumulates “phyto-estrogens” (Hormone from Plant) comprising isoflavones (daidzin, daidzein, genistin, genistein and puerarin) and others such as miroestrol and its derivatives, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, puerarin, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin and mirificin. The scope of our study is biotechnology of the White, Red and Black Kwao Krua. Our study has be done by traveling to many forests in many parts of Thailand to search and select for the right and best cultivar of these herbs by rely on botanical characteristic, chemical analysis, consumption history, toxicology test as well as laboratory test and clinical trial.

The result of study under controlled by researcher

According to our research has revealed that Pueraria Mirifica and Butea Superba are safe to be used in human in certain dosage as well as consumption period. Our researcher has been conducting a series of researches covering the chemical analysis, tissue culture, mass propagation, cultivar improvement, production, product development and testing and so on for 9 years. Because this finding showed a great impact to the herbal food, cosmetic, drug and beverage industries, so he has submitted patents concerned these findings and application in both Thailand and abroad.

The result shows that our selected Pueraria Mirifica cultivar contains very high isoflavones contents and showing high anti-mutagenic effects as well as high killing effects to human mammary cancer cell line. Nowadays nutritionists recommend the consumer to consume isoflavones regularly for the purpose of cancer protection normally found on post-menopausal and people who are Hormone Imbalance.



What is benefit of Miroestrol and its derivatives?

Miroestrol and its derivatives are also precious chemicals in the White Kwao Krua which promote estrogenic and monogenic effects to various tissues as Breast Enlargement or Breast Tissue Reformation. (See the result of Clinical study about Breast Enlargement by Pueraria Mirifica herbal and FAQ Breast Enlargement Forum ) and organs such as uterus, ovary and skin as HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).

What is different between Soya and Pueraria Mirifica?

Soya, the main oriental food and Alfalfa, the western health food products contains lower amount of phyto-estrogens especially there is no miroestrol and its derivatives. Their benefit to the body is far less than that of Pueraria Mirifica. The researches confirm that these chemicals are potent anti-breast cancer, anti-prostate hyperplasia, anti-colon cancer, anti-osteoporosis and also anti-cardiovascular disease via the potent reduction of blood cholesterol and also anti-menopausal syndrome.

Source: Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; July 2000