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Stherb Breast Capsules 60 capsules


A natural supplement for breast enhancement and body healthy conditions

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ilar effects to those of estrogen, bringing about the increase and balance of hormonal levels in female body.

The capsules formulated with various natural herbal extracts help promote the nutritional support for healthy hair, skin, and bone structure. These healthy conditions then lead to the development of mammary tissues to help increase the breast size naturally with more volume and fullness of a bustline.

The active ingredients also effectively relieve the symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and cramps as well as enhance individual emotion towards sexuality for better sexual desire. Take the capsules on a regular basis together with other breast products will reveal the faster effects of breast enhancement. In addition, continual intake of the capsules can maintain the results of breast improvement and the overall body healthy conditions.


  • Rebalances hormonal levels and overall structure
  • Provides nutritional support for healthy hair, skin, and bone structure
  • Stimulates the development of mammary tissues
  • Enhances breast youthfulness and volume at the top part
  • Maintains collagen for skin hydration and smoothness
  • Clears out the appearances of melasma or dark patches due to hormone imbalances
  • Relieves the symptoms of menopause
  • Promotes better emotion for the increase of sexual desire


Pueraria Mirifica Capsules is female dietary supplement that contains Pueraria Mirifica Extract which is rich in estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens. These compounds formulated with various natural herbal extracts will increase phytoestrogens as well as promote nutritional support in female body. Continual use of capsules can help maintain body healthiness.


1st- 2nd month use

3rd- 4th month use

5rd- 6th month use

* Result is varied in individual.
* Estimated breast increment is 1-2 cup size increase.
* Recommend 6 months continual use for optimum result and maintenance.

Active Ingredients:

Pueraria Mirifica: Pueraria Mirifica or well known as Kwao Krua has many strong rejuvenating effects on the female body. Its rich phytoestrogens work in stimulating the development of mammary glands and performing estrogenic activities for skin youthfulness and smoothness.
Zingiber Officinale Roscoe: a raw ginger has been long used to remove coldness of the body. It provides anti-inflammatory and helps to restore female hormonal balance.
Piper Chaba Hunt: a Javanese long pepper is widely used to treat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and cramps. It also works in balancing out female hormone levels.
Caesalpinia Sappan Linn: a tree bark from the sappan tree is used in invigorating blood to regulate menstrual cycle and increase hormone levels for clearer and youthful skin.


For breast enhancement purpose, take 2 capsules after breakfast and the other 2 before retiring to bed. For health purpose, take 1 capsule before breakfast and another 1 before going to bed. The capsules should be taken on the first day of menstruation, continue for 15 days, and stop taking for another 15 days. Then restart again for 15 days immediately without waiting for next menstruation.


Do not take the capsules together with caffeinated or alcoholic products. This product is not recommended for pregnant women, breast feeding mothers or women diagnosed with medical condition of breast, ovary or uterus.

Breast Enlargement Treatment Step (For Breast Enlargement) 1, 2

Fast Breast Enlargement Treatment Step (For Rapid Breast Enlargement) 3, 4

Step for Application

1.) St. Herb Pueraria Mirifica
(2 capsules after breakfast)

2.) St. Herb Breast Cream
( morning daily usage with massage)

3.) St. Herb Pueraria Mirifica
(2 capsules before bedtime)

4.) St. Herb Nano Breast Cream
( night daily usage with massage)

* Breast Capsules can be taken before or after Breast Cream application.

* Breast Capsules can be taken before or after Nano Breast Cream application

Fast Breast Symmetry Treatment Step

(Rapid Effect for Unequal Breast Treatment)

Step for Application

1.) St. Herb Pueraria Mirifica
( 2 capsules after breakfast)

2.) St. Herb Breast Serum
( daily usage with massage)

3.) St. Herb Nano Breast Cream
( daily usage with massage)

*  Breast Capsules can be taken before or after Breast Serum and Breast Cream application.

(FAQS) Stherb Breast Capsules 60 capsules

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 11 × 17 × 6 cm


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