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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself

Breast Enlargement Frequently Asked Questions (Section I)

Sourced by our company record – more than 1,000 phone calls

Estrogen is endogenous female hormone found in higher animals and human. It promoted “estrogentic effects” to many organs including breast, uterus and ovaries. Phytoestrogens are natural chemicals derived from plants especially legume. Our selected Pueraria mirifica cultivar used in our products contains high phytoestrogens and thus could be used to substituted estrogen and prevent the negative effects of estrogen. That is the reason why our selected Pueraria mirifica cultivar products are very benefit to your body.

Both ingested products (capsule or tablet) and cosmetic products can show positive result among approximately 90% of the consumer due to the test result with big group of volunteers

Those who do not response; 10% will know after 1 month use because they will not feel tight in their breast and breast size is not increased however there will be response in the form of firmness.

The capsule type is a food product so it should be treated as a food supplement. Intake of the capsule product give a systemic response throughout your body. These induce the nourishment of body health, better skin condition, better in bone condition and better in hair condition (shiny with good color and less falling hair). When intake at high dose, it enhances the breast enlargement. Too much intake affects the delaying in menstruation. For breast enlargement the cream type give rapid result and because it is applied only on breast, there will be response only at your breast without any worry. Normally the capsule is used for both health nourishment and breast enlargement and the cream is used for breast enlargement only.

According to our research and clinical study that our selected Pueraria mirifica extract is not only non-mutagenic but also effectively as anti-cancer cell line.

Firstly is the selected cultivar and the controlled organic farming under the supervision of our professional researcher, ordinary products used jungle derived mixed material which may be mixed with other similar herb, surely some of them show toxicology or low qualified efficacy.Secondly, the production is under our own unique processes to reassure that only our product qualtity can show up efficacy of the result.Thirdly, before launching the products, they had been tested for both safety and efficacy in both experimental animals and human volunteers. Some of the toxicology test results should be submitted for publication.

Breast Series (FAQ)

Breast Series

St. Herb Pueraria mirifica Capsules

Our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules (PM Capsules), Breast Pills, or Breast Capsules is an effective dietary supplement available for the improvement of both breast enlargement and healthy maintenance purposes. With complete formulation of natural phytoestrogens derived from tropical herbal extracts of Pueraria Mirifica, it helps enhance and enlarge women’s breasts naturally.

All of our women products contain Pueraria Mirifica which is an herb that grows in Thailand. This herb is believed to be able to help in breast enlargement since it is rich in phytoestrogens, the estrogen-like hormone in a woman’s body. There are so many different types of Pueraria Mirifica some of which don’t really help in breast enlargement. Therefore before we started our plantation farm of Pueraria Mirifica, we have tested all types and then bio-engineered the best type to produce Pueraria Mirifica that contains the most phytoestrogens, or estrogens from plant.

Yes, our product is made from natural herbal ingredients, especially for Pueraria Mirifica which contains key ingredient- phytoestrogens, the estrogens from natural plant, exhibiting its estrogenic effect like woman’s estrogen hormone.

Individuals should review the comprehensive information provided for the breast enlargement herbal plant. The Pueraria Mirifica herb has been used for centuries by both physicians and herbal specialist to promote health and to treat certain medical conditions. Individuals with preexisting medical conditions or who are currently taking prescription or over the counter medications or supplements should first consult with their local physician prior to using any new supplement.

Breast development begins at puberty and is regulated by the balance of specific hormones. Medical research has shown that the development of breast tissue depends on the delicate balance of progesterone, estrogen, prostaglandins, prolactin and other compounds. An imbalance of these hormones can result in poor breast development and/or the atrophy (decrease in size).

The herbs in Herbal Breast Enhancement Capsules have been carefully selected for their ability to influence the glandular tissue of the breast. The herbs in our formula do not contain estrogen, progesterone or other female hormones, but they do contain phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are a group of substances found in plants that have estrogenic properties similar to estrogens in female body. Asian women who have diets rich in plants that contain phytoestrogens have been found to have a lower incidence of breast cancer. Recent research concerning phytoestrogens suggests that they have an important role in reducing breast cancer, heart disease, and the symptoms of menopause.

Phytoestrogens through their natural balance of female hormones promote the development of glandular breast tissues. Most women taking herbs containing these phytoestrogens notice a significant increase fullness and balance of their breasts.

Breast Enhancement Supplements also contain herbs that have been used for centuries to promote lactation and breast contour.

Our Breast Capsule product has approval from FDA Thailand. Pueraria Mirifica is grown mainly in Southeastern part of Asia, and grown best in Thailand. All raw materials are tested for authenticity by our in-house laboratory prior to the use in any of our products. The manufacturing area is designed to facilitate the operation from the time of receipt of raw materials to the time of shipping of the finished products. The areas are organized in a manner to prevent confusion, mis-labeling or contamination of raw materials.

For the purpose of breast enlargement, you need to take 4 capsule per day; 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules before going to bed. For this case, we recommend you to start taking the breast capsules on the first day of your menstruation, continue for 15 days, and then stop taking for another 15 days. After that restart again for 15 days immediately without waiting for your next menstruation, and then stop for another 15 days. Repeat this 15 days on-dose & 15 days off-dose regimen for 6 months. For optimum results, we recommend you to use in conjunction with the external use products also.

For health purpose, you have to take only 2 capsules per day, one in the morning and one before bedtime. And you can take capsules everyday if you no longer have the period. Health purpose will help you gain healthier hair, smoother skin and have a proper hormone level for the body.

Remember, the most common reason for any herbal supplement not meeting the expectation of the user is non compliance or failure to take the supplement as prescribed.

Regarding to your questions, through our clinical researches and studies before launching our products, we have tried many different methods, and the best results by taking our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules is to start on the first day of your menstruation only for the first month, continue for 15 days and stop for another 15days, and restart immediately for 15 days after the 15 days of off dosage. If you try another method then you will not see the results as fast as you expect or will not see the full effects from using our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules. After all, we will be happy that every woman can gain breast enlargement and be proud of their new naturally beautiful body.

In this regard to your inquiry, the reason why our Breast Enlargement Capsules is not recommended for our customers to take every day like other kinds of products is that after taking the pills, the body normally needs time to adjust its hormonal balance level. Please keep in mind that taking PM Capsules for 15 days and off for 15 days for a 6 month period can help your body balance out the hormone level.

There are 60 capsules in one bottle. In order to gain breast enlargement efficiently, we recommend taking 4 capsules per day that is taking capsules firstly 15 days starting from your first day of menstruation and stop taking the capsules for another 15 days. Therefore, a bottle of capsules is for one month supply.

Many companies suggest that you drink large quantities of water in hope that you will retain some water weight in your breast to increase their size but we recommend drinking a significant amount of water on a daily basis to improve your everyday health.

After the 6-month period, you should still follow the same 15-day routine, but taking the low dosage which is 2 capsules per day, one in the morning and one before bedtime.

In each capsule contains 250 mg of Pueraria Mirifica. In our experiment, we found excellent results on women taking 1000 mg per day which is taking 4 capsules per day. As you know, Pueraria Mirifica is an herbal plant which is rich in phytoestrogens, the estrogens from natural plant, so it is very safe for the body to take.

Each woman has a unique metabolism, so the effects of Pueraria Mirifica Capsules can vary. Many women start to notice fullness in their breasts as early two weeks, while other women may take the breast enlargement capsule for 4-6 weeks before they start to notice positive changes.

Different women can get different results. However, we recommend taking breast enlargement capsules for at least a 6- month period of time which is based on how full you would like your breasts to appear.

For their initial therapy, individuals need to take our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules just only for 6 months or a bit longer. However, we recommend our customers to take 2 capsules per day to help maintain the positive effects for their new breast size and for the maintenance of health for a 1-2 week interval every 4-6 months.

Our customers have different ranges to see the results, some fast and some slow, but they all have some changes. This is due to individual physical body. The healthier and the fatter women will see the results faster than the weaker and the thinner ones. So please do not worry if you do not see fast results as the range is normally 1-3 months. Our Breast Capsules have the ability to balance the hormone levels for the body, make skin smoother, provide shinier hair, and of course breast enlargement. If your body is not so healthy, you may have to wait for a little longer, because your body needs to be healthy before building up the breasts. After all, if you want to have fast results, it is better to take capsules together with using external products.

This is a common occurrence as women will reach a brief plateau phase followed by another significant growth period. We recommend continuing to take the supplements for another 6-8 weeks for the maximum results.

To summarize, the continual use of our product after 6 months will not help you gain another peak but it helps maintain the new breast size as well as feed and nourish your skin. However, if you take capsules together with our breast series, you can possibly reach another peak.

The breast enlargement capsules will not increase too much breast development but help to develop firmer, fuller, and larger breasts that are proportionate to your overall body size.

Yes, there have been some exciting new studies revealing that the blended herbs in Breast Enlargement Capsules are responsible for blocking the proliferation of cancer cells. Initial studies show a decrease in both breast and uterine cancer growth. The herbs in Breast Enlargement Capsules have also been shown to promote the following positive effects:

– Lowers incidence of female related cancer i.e. breast, endometrial, uterus
– Decreases the risk for strokes and other cardiovascular disease
– Improves sexual function and libido
– Minimizes the symptoms associated with menopause i.e. hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, loss of libido, irregular periods, dry vagina, loss of tone in the breast, – memory lapses, incontinence, weight gain, osteoporosis, etc.
– Relieves the symptoms of PMS e.g. mood swings, cramping, cravings, bloating, headaches, fatigue, depression, breast tenderness, etc.
– Inhibits cholesterol absorption and synthesis
– Improves the glucose tolerance in both Type I and Type II diabetes
– Promotes bone building and protects against osteoporosis
– Acts as an antidepressant or mood enhancer that gives women a feeling of happiness and well being
– Natural diuretic thus helping to control fluid balance
– Promotes thermogenesis (the rapid conversion of the food we digest into heat before the calories can be stored as fat), hence, weight loss

Women that produce little estrogens hormone face many health problems, usually because the lack of nutrition. Our Pueraria Mirifica capsules can help to fill up and stabilize the women hormone level, making women become healthier. Therefore, it will also make the skin smoother, the hair shiny and body healthy. Hence, we will recommend the customers to take our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules for at least 6 months first, because it will take time for women to properly build up their hormone.

The side effects associated with the use of our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules are something like headaches from using our products but gone within 2-3 days, and only one case where the headaches are really severe and so we recommend stopping using the capsules. Some women report mild constipation during the first few days or even loose stools. This is very common when introducing any new herbal product to your system and it lasts for a few days.

Once an individual has an allergic reaction to one of the herbs as a tiny white dry skin on the face, it is recommended discontinuing the product or decreasing the dosage for a few days depending on the severity of the rash and it will be gone after 1 week.

Our Breast Capsules can be taken for 2 purposes, for breast enlargement and for health purpose. By taking for breast enlargement purpose, you have to take 4 capsules per day, 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules before going to bed. Our Breast Capsules have the ability to help in breast enlargement and help in maintaining the breast size if taken for 6 months. The Breast Capsules contain phytoestrogens, natural estrogens from plant, which are very suitable for women with unbalanced hormone. This symptom occurs due to the lack of nutrition in their teenage years which causes them to have smaller breasts and unhealthy skin.

Taking Breast Capsules will eventually fulfill the hormone level to promote the development of breast tissue as well as promote smoother skin and healthier hair. When your body is getting used to the natural hormone, it will remove all the dead cells that have been lying around your body, and replace them with new cells for smoother and healthier skin. Consequently, there might be the occurrence of acne or pimple which means that Breast Capsules are effective and working well on your body. However, the problem will be gone after only 1 week.

And as the body is getting healthier, your body will need to have healthier food. So while taking our breast capsules, your will feel the urge to eat which is also very natural. So when your feel like eating, we recommend you take in calcium based food like milk and beans type of food because these 2 types of food are healthy and will definitely help in breast enlargement.

For health purpose, you have to take only 2 capsules per day, one in the morning and one before bedtime. Health purpose will be similar to breast enlargement purpose with the exception of breast enlargement but you will gain healthier hair, smoother skin and have proper hormone levels for the body.

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Our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules provide phytoestrogens which is very safe for the body and it is used for balancing the hormone levels, providing the necessary components for breast enlargement. While your body is still adjusting to this new nutrition for the body, your period may become delayed or come early. Please do not worry about the period being delayed because many of our customers had their irregular period either delayed or come early on the first few months.

Taking the capsules will be like when your menstruation is coming, if you experience headache and stomachache (abdominal pain) during this time, then taking the capsules will cause you to have the same symptoms. So we will advise you to take 2 capsules per day at the first week, one in the morning and one before bedtime. This way you will slowly build up the hormone level for the body, and when you do not feel any of the symptoms after taking the capsules you can increase to 4 capsules per day.

We recommend you not to take birth control pills while you are taking our Breast Capsules. This is because birth control pills contain chemical estrogens, while our Breast Capsules contain phytoestrogens or estrogens from plant. The chemical estrogens are much stronger; therefore, our Breast Capsules will not be able to provide the necessary hormone for the body to build up the chest area. So taking both together will cancel out the effects for breast enlargement.

Regarding to your question, if you find out that you are pregnant, you should stop taking our Breast Capsules immediately because during the 9 month of pregnancy, you will be going through different changes and your body will produce a different kind of hormone for you and your child. Also, there have not been enough clinical studies to know whether the herbs in the supplement would have a detrimental effect on a developing fetus or a newborn infant. Therefore, it is better not taking the capsules during getting pregnant.

There are no known effects of the herbal ingredients in the product to suggest any interference with over-the-counter pregnancy tests.

Of course, male can take the capsules to help enlarge breasts as well as female. For effective breast enlargement purpose, male has to take 4 capsules per day, 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules before bedtime. Normally, for many women who take capsules for breast enlargement purpose, we always recommend them to take for a 6- month period. In case of male breast enlargement, we do suggest the same as for female. However, for best results, we recommend male taking capsules in conjunction with other Breast Series also, but male has to wait much longer than female to see the result as they have different hormone levels and different physical builds.

The product should be stored out of the reach of children at room temperature, and away from direct sunlight. Do not store the product in or near your bathroom because humidity generated by the shower can decrease the shelf life of the capsules. Also, individuals should strive to keep the capsules in the place where it is easy for them to remember.

Stherb Breast Cream 100 g

St. Herb Breast Cream is well selected for those who wish to have large and very beautiful breasts. With key ingredients of purest essence of Thailand based tropical herbal extract of Pueraria Mirifica, well known as “White Kwao Krua” that contains phytoestrogens, St. Herb Breast Cream effectively helps for breast enhancement.

Our Breast Cream consists of a proper blend of natural herbal plant extracts that have been proven to increase a woman’s breast size naturally by promoting the stimulation of new cell growth in the mammary glands. A woman’s body will respond to the Breast Cream with renewed glandular tissue growth in the breast receptor areas, similar to the time of puberty or pregnancy.

Of course, our Breast Cream is safe to apply as it contains natural active ingredients and is also certified by CTFA, the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association of the United States.

Apply a minimum of a quarter of a teaspoon (depending on individual breast size and desired speed of breast enlargement) onto each breast side and massage in circular movements by applying a light pressure and gentle stroking technique starting from the top, underneath and the sides on all directions for about 3-5 minutes or until the cream is well absorbed. The application should be twice a day, once in the morning after taking a shower and once before going to bed. You can dress straight after as it is absolutely non-oily and leaves your skin smooth touch and delicate scent.

Individuals will realize the improvement in just three months. By the beginning of the second month the breast size will start to increase and most women get the increment of 1/2 to 2 full cup sizes by the end of the third month. However, according to overall general health and genetics, the results may vary among women. Each individual has her own increase potential, but 1-2 cup size is a very realistic expectation.

There is no need for a prescription because our Breast Cream is made with all safe natural ingredients.

Regarding to your questions, through our clinical researches and studies before launching our products, we have tried many different methods, and the best results by taking our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules is to start on the first day of your menstruation only for the first month, continue for 15 days and stop for another 15days, and restart immediately for 15 days after the 15 days of off dosage. If you try another method then you will not see the results as fast as you expect or will not see the full effects from using our Pueraria Mirifica Capsules. After all, we will be happy that every woman can gain breast enlargement and be proud of their new naturally beautiful body.

Our product causes no side effects as it contains natural herbal extracts and we’ve never had any of our customers experiencing any side effects from using the Breast Cream. However, if you are allergic to herbs, we recommend not to use our product.

Our Breast Cream specifically aims at the development of the mammary glands and up until now there has been no report of women experiencing weight gain caused directly or indirectly by Breast Cream.

Our Breast Cream is only for external application, so it doesn’t interfere with the birth control pills.

Yes, our Breast Cream also works well for those women who have surgical breast implants, just applying at a regular basis as other non-surgical women do.

Well, there is nothing better or best as both are best in their own places. There is only a bit difference between Breast Cream and Nano Breast Cream. Though both of them containequalquantity of natural breast enlarging and enhancing herbal extracts, Nano Breast Cream can penetrate more deeply into the breast tissues and give much quicker results as it is formulated withextrapower ofnano particlesusing the most advanced and latest technology, the nanotechnology.

However, this doesn’t mean that Breast Cream is not a useful product. It equally works and helps in enlarging or enhancing the breasts naturally but it may take a bit longer time to show the results comparing to Nano Breast Cream. After all, Breast Cream is reported to be the best in its own class and segment.

St. Herb Breast Cream differs greatly from other breast enlargement products because most other non-surgical breast enlargement products are in a form of pills and must take long time to travel through the entire body, while Breast Cream is trans-dermal application to the skin. Therefore it can target the desired area of enlargement properly. Trans-dermal application is simply a far superior method of delivery.

Normally, women should be at least at the age of 16 years old when they begin using St. Herb Breast Cream. Our breast Cream typically benefits women of ages 16 – 50 years old. In fact, it can show a much difference in elderly women than in those young women.

Women who are pregnant, breast-feeding, or those who have a history of cysts or have been in risk with tumors should not use St. Herb Breast Cream. Also, this treatment is meant for those women after puberty and should not be used prematurely, before the age of 16.

The Breast Cream can help male gain the larger breast size but it’d be better to use in conjunction with our Pueraria Mirifica Breast Capsules, so the body can gain both external and internal improvements, resulting in the faster and more effective results.

Normally, female who takes the Breast Capsules together with using the Breast Cream can see the peak results around 3 months, but male has to wait for about 6 months or a bit longer as male and female have different hormone levels. However, the usage of Breast Cream and the dosage of Breast Capsules for male is still similar to female’s, which is applying the cream twice a day and taking 4 capsules a day, 2 in the morning and the other 2 before bedtime.

Stherb Breast Spray 50 ml

St. Herb Breast Spray is the breast firming and enlarging product which is formulated with Pueraria Mirifica extracts to tone up and expand breast tissues. It is easy to apply with no need to massage and also presents sweet scent to flourish breast curves in every action.

You just spray thoroughly onto your breast area once in the morning or whenever you want nourishment in a rush time. Avoid direct contact with your nipples.

You can feel the difference of your breast curves in a few weeks after application. However, the results may vary due to individual’s build and other factors.

The Breast Spray is made from natural herbal ingredients that have been consumed for a long time in Thai community to promote breast beauty. Therefore, it doesn’t cause any side effects but promotes breast enhancement. However, you should avoid direct contact to nipples and if you are allergic to herbs, the use of our product is not recommended.

The breast products have their own efficacy in breast enhancement. The Breast Spray is designed to enhance your breasts easily with no need to massage yet noticeable results within a few weeks.

The difference is only the way to apply as both serum and spray similarly show the results of breast firmness within few weeks. While Breast Serum requires twice applying and massage, Breast Spray is applied with no need of massage only once or whenever nourishment in a rush time is needed.

Using the Breast Spray can help you gain firm breasts but if applied together with other breast products will result in a much enhancement quicker. For example, you can use breast spray in the morning and breast serum at night so that they can better help nourish your breast curves.

Due to the time, it is suitable to use breast spray in the morning as you don’t need to spend time to massage your breasts as in the night time. However, both of them are only external nourishment. You should take Breast Capsules in augmentation to nourish inside for more effective and faster results. Furthermore, the capsules help maintain your new breast condition efficiently. In addition, if you want to diminish any wrinkles or stretch marks, it is recommended to apply together with Breast Mask that helps regenerate your new glowing breast skin.

The continual use of the spray can help enhance your breasts with more firmness. However, your breasts will be enhanced just to suit your overall body, like in a time of puberty or pregnancy.

Due to the time, it is suitable to use breast spray in the morning as you don’t need to spend time to massage your breasts as in the night time. However, both of them are only external nourishment. You should take Breast Capsules in augmentation to nourish inside for more effective and faster results. Furthermore, the capsules help maintain your new breast condition efficiently. In addition, if you want to diminish any wrinkles or stretch marks, it is recommended to apply together with Breast Mask that helps regenerate your new glowing breast skin.

Your breasts can stay firm after discontinuing our product for a period of time; however, the firmness may gradually decrease due to older age and other factors. After all, you can intake Breast Capsules to maintain the results of your desired breasts.

In many cases, our customers can feel the difference of their curves within few weeks. However, the optimum results can vary due to individual’s build and other factors. Some also continue using the product until 6 months when they can feel the peak of their desired breasts.

Stherb Breast Mask 50 g

Herb Breast Mask is a mild mask that is used to treat breasts to diminish any stretch marks or aged skin as well as tone up and increase the breast tissues for firmness and fullness of breasts

You should apply mask with massage on each breast area well evenly, and thereafter leave it for 30-60 minutes. Then rinse out with water. For maximum effects, leave on for the whole night. Use 3 times a week before bed time.

In order to achieve your desired breasts, we recommend the use of St. Herb Breast Mask as it helps remove dead skin cells and nourish them for smooth and radiant breast skin. The mask also gradually increases your bustline if applying with the right massage. As the Breast Mask needs to be applied three times at night; however, applying together with other daily-used breast products is recommended. Nano Breast Cream is recommended for fast effective breast enlargement, and Nano Breast Serum is for rapid effect of breast firmness.

The mask will gradually nourish and reveal your radiant charming bust after 3-4 weeks of application. However, the results may vary due to individual’s build and other factors.

The breast products have their own efficacy in breast enhancement. The Breast Mask is designed to nourish and enhance your breasts with its properties in diminishing stretch marks and aging-skinned condition as well as firming up and promoting the fullness of a bust.

There is no side effects from using our Breast Mask including other breast products because our products are made of natural ingredients, the purest essence of Pueraria Mirifica extracts that have been consumed for a long time in Thai community to promote breast beauty.

Due to the time, it is suitable to use breast spray in the morning as you don’t need to spend time to massage your breasts as in the night time. And the Breast Mask can soothe and nourish your breasts at night for a more radiant skin texture. However, the Breast Mask is not recommended using solely but in augmentation to daily use of Breast Cream or Breast Serum for your perfectly large and firm breasts with tenderness and smoothness.

You can stop using it as long as you are satisfied with your breast conditions. In many cases, our customers are satisfied with the differences of their breast curves just only in 3-4 weeks.

Your breasts can stay radiant, smooth and firm after discontinuing our product for a period of time; however, the desired conditions you gain may gradually disappear due to older age, environmental damages, and other factors. You can continue using the mask again if you feel the need.

Stherb Nano Breast Serum

St. Herb Breast Serum is a premium product with rapid effects of breast enhancement. It is formulated with Pueraria Mirifica and other natural extracts by the Nanotechnology, making it effective in firming and lifting up breasts. The serum in the form of nano particles penetrate deeply into breast cells to rejuvenate and nourish breasts as well as overcome the saggy condition. The Nano Breast Serum is therefore a great beneficial treatment for firm and beautiful breasts..

St. Herb Nano Breast Serum is powered with concentrated extracts of Pueraria Mirifica and other various herbs by the Nanotechnology. Therefore, it enhances breasts with more rapid and effective effects..

Apply a coin size amount of serum onto each breast thoroughly, and massage as the provided method. It is recommended to apply daily, once in the morning and once at night. To maintain results, apply once every two days.

In many cases, the breast enhancement can be observed within 1-2 weeks of daily use. However, the results may vary due to individuals’ builds and other factors.

Our Nano Breast Serum is made from all natural ingredients. The active ingredient in the serum is, in fact, a rejuvenating herb that has been consumed for a long time in Thai community to promote youthfulness. Therefore, it doesn’t cause any side effects but promotes the enhancement of the breasts. However, if you are allergic to herbs, the use of our product is not recommended.

After 1-2 weeks of application, your breast will be lifted and firmed up naturally. The continual use of the serum can help enhance your breast more with the augmentation of cleavage and volume. However, your breasts will be enhanced just to suit your overall body, like in a time of puberty or pregnancy. After all, the application of the serum once every two days is beneficial to maintain your breast shape after achieving the desired breasts.

The firm breast condition that you’ve obtained will not disappear immediately. However, your breast firmness may gradually decrease after discontinuing using the serum due to older age and other factors. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the serum once every two days to maintain results and prevent your breast from sagging.

Actually, your breast size will not go up excessively but suit your overall body. We recommend the continual use of the serum to maintain the results. However, you just need to apply once every two days instead of twice a day.

All four are all natural-based products with extracts from Pueraria Mirifica to firm, lift up and tone breast area. The differences are the technology of formulation and time taking to enhance the breasts. The Breast Serum provides serum in the form of liposomes and gives the results within one month, while Breast Serum Double Concentration shows the results in 3 weeks. Meanwhile, both Nano Breast Serum and Nano Plus Breast Serum present nanosomes, nano particles that provide deep penetration into breast cells. But the results of breast enhancement can be noticed within 1-2 weeks in the first one and just after a few minutes in the latter one.

Stherb Nano Breast Cream

St. Herb Nano Breast Cream is well selected for women who wish to have larger and beautiful breasts with visible cleavage. Formulated by Nanotechnology with key ingredient of extract from Pueraria Mirifica, well known as “White Kwao Krua” that contains phytoestrogens, it makes St. Herb Nano Breast Cream to be effective in breast enlargement and be popular in the marketplace

Our Nano Breast Cream formulated by Nanotechnology and a blend of natural herbal plant extracts have been proven to increase a woman’s breast size naturally and rapidly with nano particles by promoting the stimulation of new cell growth in the mammary glands. A woman’s body will respond to the Cream the way it responds to puberty or pregnancy, with renewed glandular tissue growth in the breast receptor areas.

Our Nano Breast Cream is guaranteed safe to apply with its natural active ingredients and certificates from Thailand FDA and CTFA, the Cosmetics, Toiletry and Fragrance Association of the United States.

Apply a small amount of cream (depending on individual breast size and desired speed of breast enlargement) onto each breast. Then massage in a clockwise first and then anticlockwise motion until the cream is fully absorbed. The application is twice a day, once in the morning after taking a shower and once before going to bed. For optimum results, applying the Cream together with taking St. Herb Breast Capsules is recommended

Individuals will realize the difference in only 2 weeks. Most women achieve the peak result of breast enlargement with the increment of 1-2 cup sizes within 4-6 weeks. However, according to overall general health and genetics, the results may vary among women. Each individual has her own increase potential, but 1-2 cup size is a very realistic expectation.

There is no need for a prescription because our Nano Breast Cream is made with all natural ingredients.

After achieving the beautiful larger breasts, you can discontinue using the cream with no concern that your breasts will shrink back. However, due to older age, gravity, or other factors such as breast-feeding or weight loss, your breasts may decrease in size and lose the firmness. Therefore, we recommend continuing applying Nano Breast Cream but just 1-3 times a week instead of daily application to maintain much longer increment of breasts and firmness.

There will be no side effect occurring as Nano Breast Cream contains natural herbal extracts and we’ve never had any of our customers experiencing any side effects from using Nano Breast Cream. However, if you are allergic to herbs, we recommend not using our product.

Nano Breast Cream has the mechanism specifically to develop the fatty tissues in the mammary glands only and up until now there has been no report of women experiencing weight gain caused directly or indirectly by Nano Breast Cream.

St. Herb Nano Breast Cream is only for external application, so it doesn’t interfere with the birth control pills.

Yes, St. Herb Nano Breast Cream also works well for those who have surgical breast implants, just applying at a regular basis as other non-surgical women do.

There is nothing better or best as both are best in their own places. There is only a bit difference between Nano Breast Cream and Breast Cream. Though both of them contain the same natural breast enlarging herbal extracts, Nano Breast Cream can penetrate more deeply into the breast tissues and give much quicker results as it is formulated with extra power of nanosomes using the most advanced and latest technology, the nanotechnology. However, this doesn’t mean that Breast Cream is not a useful product. It equally works and helps in breast enlargement naturally but it may take a bit longer time to show the results comparing to Nano Breast Cream. After all, Breast Cream is reported to be the best in its own class and segment.

St. Herb Nano Breast Cream differs greatly from other breast enlargement products because most breast enlargement products present cream in a form of liposomes which must take long time to absorb and nourish the breast skin, while our Nano Breast Cream presents the cream in a form of nanosomes that absorb and penetrate deeply into breast skin. Therefore it can target and give instant result to the desired area of enlargement properly.

Our Nano Breast Cream typically benefits women at the age of 16 – 50 years old. In fact, it can show a much difference in elderly women than in those young women.

Women who are pregnant, nursing, or those who have a history of cysts or have been in risk with tumors should not use St. Herb Nano Breast Cream. Also, this treatment is more beneficial for women after puberty and it should not be used prematurely, before the age of 16.

Facial Series (FAQ)

Stherb Facial Mask

St. Herb Facial Mask is a perfect mask formulated with deep nourishment from of natural herbal extracts and Vitamin E that help in firming skin tissues, rehydrating and preventing skin from dryness and negative influences that all cause wrinkles and flaws. By supplying moisture, the mask helps reduce pores in the skin and increase resilience making your skin supple, bright and fair. This facial mask cream remarkably keeps your skin to be more young-looking.

Our product is made from Thailand-based herbal plant of Pueraria Mirifica that is rich in Phytoestrogens, which are natural estrogens exhibiting the estrogenic effects like a woman’s estrogen. It helps nourish your facial skin and helps remove wrinkles and smoothen your face.

First, we need to talk about exfoliating. Exfoliating is the really important step in skin care which will remove the dry dead skin cells, replaced by new skin cells. You’ll never have smooth looking skin if you don’t exfoliate. Normally, skin should be exfoliated two or three times a week. Our oil free based facial mask is gentle and works best for all skin types. So we recommend you apply the mask to increase skin elasticity and provide the skin smoothness and softness. You will notice the results after the very beginning use.

You should apply St. Herb Facial Mask three times a week to exfoliate the dead skin cells.

Of course, you can apply our Facial Mask around the eye area, but you need to avoid direct application on the eye.

After cleansing before bedtime, slightly apply the mask to face and neck, remove after 1 hour, or leave overnight if preferred.

St. Herb Facial Mask is designed for quickly intense treatment to all skin types and is suitable for the sensitive skin, due to the hypoallergenic property of the collagen used. Not only specifically designed and formulated to help maintain and rejuvenate your skin but also retrace the youth again.

Our product is made of wholesome natural herbal extracts, which will not cause any dermatological condition. But if you are allergic to the reaction from using any new products, please consult with your dermatologist.

After leaving the mask for 15-20 minutes or more, rinse off the applied area regularly with water.

Our product is well designed to reduce the signs of aging quickly and effectively on all skin types, regardless of ethnic origin. Just remember, you must have a clean and dry skin surface before applying the product.

Everyone can use but except for those children less than 2 years of age or if you are allergic to our product after application, stop using the product and see a doctor.

Of course, our product is designed to be gender neutral and deliver the same technically advanced anti-aging benefits to men as well as women.

It depends on how well you can keep the product. But with proper storage and care, normally our product has a shelf life 4 years or so. Our recommendation is the product should be stored in a cool and dry place regularly at room temperature between 20° to 25° C and away from reach of children. And keep the product from the direct sunlight as it is water based and can evaporate and lose its quality.

Stherb Melanosome Nano Lightening complex

Melasma is the symptoms of dark patches and spots that occur in sun-exposed areas like cheeks, nose, forehead or upper lip. Brown in color, it is severed by sun exposure, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, and certain anti-epileptic drugs.

Melasma, particularly common in women aged 20 to 40, is considered to originate from many factors like endocrine dysfunction, genetic factors, nutritional deficiency, and hepatic dysfunction. More cases appear to be related to pregnant women and those who are taking certain oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy medications. Sun exposure also appears to be a stimulating factor in the predisposed individuals.

St. Herb Malanosome Nano Lightening Complex, a bleaching cream blended well evenly with recent innovation of Nanotechnology that contains nanosomes, is deep moisturizing natural skin care cream that replenishes the lipid barrier of the skin and triggers the repair of facial skin cells damaged by UV radiations and free radicals. The cream also helps to discolor and reduce the amount of melasma, hyperpigmentation, brown-darker patches and age spots. The novel ingredients in St. Herb Malanosome Nano Lightening Complex with a wholesome natural substance that reduces melanin biosynthesis effectively inhibit the accumulation of melanin pigments.

Absolutely, our product is made up of natural ingredients based with concentrated amounts of herbal plants for safety purposes.

OYou may see a decrease in pigmentation and an overall improvement in skin tone and clarity within 4-8 weeks when you daily use our St. Herb Malanosome Nano Lightening Complex. However, visible results may vary due to different skin problems.

Of course, you can wear make-up just after using Melanosome and followed by Sunscreen to help moisturize and nourish as well as protect your delicate skin from sun exposure.

Our product is well designed to work effectively on all skin types, regardless of ethnic origin. Just remember, you must have a clean and dry skin surface before applying the product.

Of course, our product is designed to be gender neutral and deliver the same technically advanced benefits to men as well as women.

A blend of natural ingredients contained in our cream functionally contributes to prevent or inhibit the pigmentation process and help fade away the dark patches from the skin, especially for those who suffer from melasma. Besides, our product is nourishment for those who do not have such a skin problem, helping even out the skin tone and clear off blemishes for a radiant-looking facial skin.

Our St. Herb Malanosome Nano Lightening Complex does not contain any harmful chemical contaminants such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s), which increase skin’s photosensitivity. However, for the better skincare regimen, it is highly recommended that you use melanosome daily in togetherness with our sunscreen to prevent and reduce premature aging from sun exposure.

You’ll get really good results after a month of daily use our St. Herb Melanosome. Just only use it in the mornings before applying St. Herb Sunscreen SPF-60 on top; the dark patches will be gradually faded away from your skin.

If you are afraid of over whitening look, then you are the right person to use our product. St. Herb Malanosome Nano Lightening Complex does not make your face over whitening look compared to any other brands of products, but it makes your face look natural and better looking during the day..

Please don’t be serious. Our Melanosome is made to nourish the skin to be smooth and supple, which does not thin your skin comparing to any other bleaching cream products claimed to lightening skin because of the fact that our product is free from Hydroquinone, a topical skin-bleaching agent.

The continual use of St. Herb Malanosome Nano Lightening Complex will be better as it can treat the problem of melasma which is probably caused by taking birth control pills. In addition, avoid sun exposure and use our sunscreen daily to protect your skin from further melasma.

If you come up with this kind of result, please don’t be worried because this is due to the natural process of skin exfoliation- that is, the dead cells are pushed upward and they will be gone, replaced by new healthier cells after then.

Stherb Sunscreen Nano Complex SPF50 PA+++

Melasma is the symptoms of dark patches and spots that occur in sun-exposed areas like cheeks, nose, forehead or upper lip.

Melasma is considered to originate from many factors like genetic factors, nutritional deficiency, pregnancy, oral contraceptives. Sun exposure also appears to be the main stimulating factor.

The sunscreen acts like a mask to help protect against UV radiations-UVA and UVB that undermine the skin, eventually leading to premature aging, skin blemishes and dark patches called melasma.

St. Herb Sunscreen Nano Complex SPF-50 is a long-lasting protection for those who enjoy their lifestyle outdoor under sun exposure. St. Herb Sunscreen Nano Complex SPF-50, inspired by a novel innovative Nano-technology that contains nanosomes, provides high protection of facial skin damage caused by UVA & UVB. It offers excellent protection from significant sun exposure. The cream is non-greasy and does not leave waxy film on your facial skin.

The main ingredients like Micronized Titanium Dioxide and Nano Zinc Oxide containing in our sunscreen help protect your skin against photo-aging and sunburn which causes premature aging, making your face look natural and better looking during the daytime.

Our product is well designed to work effectively on all skin types, regardless of ethnic origin. Just remember, you must have a clean skin surface before applying the product.

The reason why selecting St. Herb sunscreen is because of its effective properties in protecting skin from UV damage by reflecting and scattering UV radiations away which is different from many other brands that only absorb UV radiations. Furthermore, it’s a good base for make-up.

Absolutely, our revolutionary UVA/UVB sun protection formula SPF 50 is certainly waterproof and also sweat-proof but it is not recommended for swimming.

Chemical sunscreens act by absorbing UV light which can cause the over production of melanin if long time use, while St. Herb Sunscreen reflects and scatters away light in the UV-spectrum. St. Herb Sunscreen offers the advantage of protecting from UV rays as well as other visible light rays damaging to the skin.

Well, our revolutionary Sunscreen with SPF 50 can protect your skin from UVB, which causes skin burning, for more than 15 hours as well as protects skin against UVA from premature aging with PA+++ Value for more than 4 hours.

If you are afraid of over whitening look, then you are the right person to use our product. St. Herb Sunscreen Nano Complex SPF-50 does not make your face over whitening look compared to any other brands of products, but it makes your face look natural and better looking during the day

Our St. Herb Sunscreen Nano Complex SPF-50 does not contain any harmful chemical contaminants such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s), which increase skin’s photosensitivity. However, for the better skincare regimen, it is highly recommended that you use Sunscreen SPF-50 daily in togetherness with our Malanosome Nano Lightening Complex to prevent and reduce premature aging from sun exposure.

Of course, our product is designed to be gender neutral and deliver the same technically advanced benefits to men as well as women.

Just consider your usage behavior and property of your sunscreen product. Normally, sunscreens available in the market have low SPF and contain PA Value only PA+ or PA++. So if you much often expose to the sunlight for longtime hours, you will have to use long lasting protection Sunscreen with higher SPF and PA value as recommended PA+++ to protect skin from UVA and UVB.

Stherb Day Cream

St. Herb Day Cream is a herbal moisturizing day cream, helping in nourishing and protecting your skin from sun exposure and environmental impurities that cause the skin problems in daytime. It rejuvenates and keeps your skin firm and youthful as well as protects your skin from causes of fine lines and other negative effects of bad skin during daytime.

Our product is made from Thailand-based herbal plant of Pueraria Mirifica that is rich in Phytoestrogens, which are natural estrogens exhibiting the estrogenic effects like a woman’s estrogen. It helps nourish your facial skin and helps remove wrinkles and smoothen your face.

pply the cream after cleansing in the morning by gently smoothing a thin film with upward and outward strokes to your face and neck before make-up.

Absolutely, St. Herb Day Cream is a nourishment product that can be used along well with your daily facial maintenance regimen. However, to avoid possible sensitivity related to the usage of other products, we recommend you not apply our Day Cream over top of any serum or moisturizer that contains chemicals..

Sunscreen product has its property only protecting the skin surface but day cream can help nourish the skin layer. Applying both products together will be beneficial in nourishing and revitalizing your skin.

Our product is well designed to reduce the signs of aging quickly and effectively on all skin types, regardless of ethnic origin. Just remember, you must have a clean and dry skin surface before applying the product.

Our product is made of wholesome natural herbal extracts, which will not cause any dermatological condition. But if you are allergic to the reaction from using any new products, please consult with your dermatologist.

Of course, our product is designed to be gender neutral and deliver the same technically advanced anti-aging benefits to men as well as women.

Everyone can use but except for those children less than 2 years of age or if you are allergic to our product after application, stop using the product and see a doctor.

It depends on how well you can keep the product. But with proper storage and care, normally our product has a shelf life 4 years or so. Our recommendation is the product should be stored in a cool and dry place regularly at room temperature between 20° to 25° C and away from reach of children. And keep the product from the direct sunlight as it is water based and can evaporate and lose its quality.